Price Categories for Graduated Hourly Rates Depending on the Type of Service
Tutorials and guides for the features of Octaved Flow
Price categories are used to represent different hourly rates for different types of services. Less demanding activities are billed at a lower hourly rate in this case. Seniors, i.e. employees with longer work experience and more experience have a higher hourly rate than Juniors.
System settings
Your company's default price categories with their associated default hourly rates are specified centrally in the system settings under Price Categories. An example from the software area:

Any number of price categories can be defined. Each price category has exactly one hourly rate. Price surcharges, such as for Sunday work, are defined separately.
Customer individual price categories
In the system settings under Customers, different settings can be made per customer. Initially, all standard price categories are available for the customer:

Price categories not available for this customer will be turned off 1:

Checking Customized 1 will override the default hourly rates on a customer-by-customer basis:

Adding price categories is not possible at the customer level, only turning them off and overwriting them.
Assigning price categories
Price categories are assigned to work packages. This avoids booking errors and the commercial responsibility is in a central place.

Price categories are assigned to work packages that are billed by effort. The billing types are effort, effort with approx., effort with from/to and effort with cap. With these billing types, the working time proven by time sheet is multiplied by the hourly rate for billing, which is determined by the price category.
With Contingent the price category is selected because the value of the contingent is calculated by multiplying the agreed working hours by the hourly rate of the price category.
In case of Fixed price or if the work package is Without calculation, the hourly rate does not matter. Therefore, no price category can be selected.
One price category for all services
If your company has only one price for all types of services, then create exactly one price category. This will then always be selected automatically, so you don't have to worry about it when creating work packages.
The API-Key is for connecting Octaved Flow to other systems via Octaved Flow's API. If you do not have an ERP system or ticket system connected to Octaved Flow, then just leave this field blank.
To define a combination of activity type and person group as a price category, simply append the names together. Example: senior consultant, junior consultant, senior supporter, junior supporter.
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