Monitor working time tracking

Tutorials and guides for the features of Octaved Flow

The Monitoring page is a control tool for the overview of all tracked working times of users and offers the possibility to subsequently create, change and export working time entries as an Excel file.

Views on the Monitoring page

There are two different views for the working time entries on the Monitoring page. One with the focus on the presentation by period and the second with the perspective on the individual users. 1
The period page shows the working time entries of all users per day. If you expand the line of a day via the drop-down menu, you can see all time entries of the selected users of a day. 2
Monitor period
While the same data is listed on the Users page, but sorted by user.

Filter for working time entries

Both views offer the option of restricting the display according to users and groups or time periods using the filters in the upper area.
The third filter restricts the view to time entries for which a warning exists. Either all time entries with warnings or only individual warnings, such as Not finished time tracking or Missing break, can be displayed.
All 3 filter settings work together. For example, if you want to display all users who have forgotten a time tracking in the past month, set the filters as follows:

Create or change working time entries

To subsequently track or correct a working time for a specific day, e.g. if a user has forgotten or not completed the working time tracking, expand the working time entries for the corresponding day in the Time period view 1, open the detailed view for the corresponding user and create a new working time tracking via the Track working time entry in the 3-dot menu 2.
Edit time tracking entry
If a user has mistakenly tracked too long or too short, the working time tracking must be corrected retrospectively. Changing an existing working time entry is also done via the 3-dot menu using Edit time entry. To create transparency here, all changes are saved in a history. The history can be viewed via the entry Change history in the 3-dot menu.

Excel export

If you need a list of working time entries outside of Octaved Flow, for example for an HR system, you can easily export the list as an Excel file and pass it on.
To do this, first use the filters in the upper area to select the users and time period for which the data should be exported.
The set view filters determine which data is exported in the Excel file.
There are 3 different types to choose from for the export:
  • With subtotals per user and per day
  • Time entries as a continuous list
  • Total per user, one line per user
Excel export
An exported list of working time entries can look like this, for example
Excel sheet
dot background image