API Changelog

04.094.000 - 27.08.2024

  • API access via access keys and access tokens added.


  • API access via OAuth2 is deprecated, use access keys or access tokens instead.

04.086.000 - 09.07.2024

  • Property user added to TIME TRACKING > Time tracking records > Patch time tracking record.

04.085.000 - 09.07.2024

  • Property isClosed added to projects.
  • Property isClosed added to groups.
  • Property isClosed added to work packages.

04.083.000 - 25.06.2024

  • Property journeyBillingMode added to customer.
  • Property journeyBillingMode added to billing.
  • Property flatRateJourneyPriceSum added to billing $.sums.
  • Property numberOfFlatRateJourneys added to billing $.sums.
  • Route Billings > Billings exports > JSON export v2 added, supporting journeyBillingMode.
  • Route Billings > Billings exports > JSON export v1 is deprecated, use JSON export v2.

Breaking changes

  • The columns of Billings > Billings exports > CSV export are reorganized to match JSON export v2.

04.074.000 - 22.05.2024

  • Property timeTrackingReferenceNodeType added to work packages.
  • Route category Project tree > Sub work packages added.

04.072.000 - 21.05.2024

  • Property timeControl added to work packages.
  • Property lastChangedBy added to all nodes.
  • Property lastChangedOn added to all nodes.


  • Property lastChanged on nodes is deprecated, use lastChangedOn instead.

Breaking changes

  • The time control properties on projects and groups have been dropped in favor of a nested object:
    • Property timeControl is an object now, use timeControl.mode instead.
    • Property timeControlFrom removed, use timeControl.from instead.
    • Property timeControlTo removed, use timeControl.to instead.
    • Property showTimeControlAfterName removed, use timeControl.showAfterName instead.

04.064.000 - 16.04.2024

  • Route Organization user management > Organization users > Gets emails by user ids no longer requires ids as query parameter.
  • Property isArchived added to all project tree nodes (readonly).
  • Property isLocked added to projects, groups, work packages (prevents tracking time on those nodes or beneath).
  • Property isApprovedForBilling added to work packages.
  • Property isOffer added to work packages.
  • Property isTemplate added to projects.
  • Property referenceNode added to time tracking records.
  • New route Project tree > General > Archive subtree added to archive or unarchive an entire subtree of nodes.


  • Property status on projects is deprecated.
    • Use the new isLocked/isTemplate flags or the new archiving route for writing.
    • When read, the status is determined by the new flags in this order of precedence:
    • isArchived > isTemplate > isLocked to yield archived > template > locked > open respectively.
    • Note that writing {status: 'archived'} will archive the entire subtree. Writing any other status will unarchive the entire subtree only of the project was archived before.
  • Property status on work packages is deprecated.
    • Use the new isApprovedForBilling/isLocked/isOffer flags or the new archiving route for writing.
    • When read, the status is determined by the new flags in this order of precedence:
    • isApprovedForBilling > isOffer > isLocked to yield closed > offer > locked > open respectively.
    • The status notYetOpen will write {isLocked: true} and can't be read anymore.
  • Search ident status for work package searches is deprecated, use one of the new flag searches.

04.058.000 - 12.03.2024

  • Property locations added to customers.
  • Property keyValueStore added to all project tree nodes.
  • Property referenceNumber added to all project tree nodes.

04.036.000 - 19.12.2023

  • Properties definesOwnResponsible/responsibleGroups/responsibleUsers are added to projects, groups, work packages and tasks.


  • Property assignedUnits on tasks is deprecated, use responsibleUsers/responsibleGroups instead.
  • Property hasExternalAssignee on tasks is deprecated, you can set definesOwnResponsible with empty users/groups to have the same effect.
  • Property roleMaxEfforts on work packages is deprecated without replacement. The feature is removed.
  • Query parameter roleType on route Responsibility > Responsible users > Get responsible users for multiple nodes is deprecated without replacement. The feature is removed.

04.021.000 - 03.11.2023


  • The working time API is updated to differentiate working time from project time:
    • Using hours or minutes is deprecated, use workingMinutes and projectMinutes instead where applicable.
    • These routes are deprecated entirely (see documentation for replacements):
      • Working time > Read working time > Get definitions
      • Working time > Read working time > Get work hours
      • Working time > Manage weekly working time > Group standard work hours
      • Working time > Manage weekly working time > Group standard work minutes
      • Working time > Manage weekly working time > User standard work hours
      • Working time > Manage weekly working time > User standard work minutes