Octaved Flow Blog

New features and more resources

July 25, 2024

New feature Display of the resulting planning status

Display of the resulting planning status
  • The planning status shows at a glance where you are in the planning process.
  • If today's date is within the planned period of the work package, the planning status is Active, see screenshot above.
  • If the planned start date of the work package is after today's date, the planning status is Future.
  • If the work package has been completed, there is no planning status (as it is no longer relevant for planning purposes).
  • If the work package has not been completed and the planning period is in the past, the planning status Due in the future is exceeded and a flame is displayed as a warning.

New feature Predecessors not completed on time and planning status

Predecessors not completed on time and planning status
  • Time dependencies are also taken into account in the planning status.
  • If a work package is to be started according to the planning, but the predecessor has not yet been completed, the status is set to Cannot be started and shows a red flame.

New feature Info for determining the resulting planning status

Info for determining the resulting planning status
  • The popup shows the relevant planning information in the overview and the planning status.
  • In the example above: The predecessor is already completed and the work package is currently active.

New feature Info whether work package has been started

Info whether work package has been started
  • The information on whether a work package has been started or not is displayed in the blue box at the bottom of the info popup.
  • In the example above, it is assumed that implementation has not yet begun. At least there are no time bookings and no tasks have been completed yet.
  • However, this information is not 100% reliable, as the work package may, for example, have been started and then left lying around. However, the display at least gives an indication of the status of the work package.
  • Project controlling can be used for detailed information.

New feature Logical dependencies for work packages

Logical dependencies for work packages
  • There are now also logical dependencies for work packages.
  • Time dependencies are planning bars. After the predecessor has been completed, the successor should be started on the planned date.
  • In contrast, there is no time planning for a logical dependency. In this case, the successor B should start from the point in time at which the predecessor A is completed.
  • This is a familiar approach from agile project management, as planning periods play no or a different role in an agile environment.
  • Octaved Flow combines methods from the agile environment with classic project planning. Logical and time dependencies can be used in parallel.
  • Example: If the logical predecessor is not yet ready on the planned start date, the status is set to Cannot be started.

Minor improvements

  • The menu item “Time sheets for freelancers” has been moved to a different, more logical location and can now be found under “Working hours”.
  • When you receive a notification in the inbox and click on the link, the large detailed view is displayed directly so that you can immediately get a complete picture.
  • There is a new help text for partial billing next to the “Already billed” column. This explains the logic, which is completely correct, but has led to queries from some users.

Error fixes

  • There is a trick when entering hours for work packages. Here, for example, you can enter “4t” (in the English version “4d”), which is interpreted as 4 days. 32 (hours) is then entered in the field. This saves you having to do mental arithmetic. This option no longer worked, has been repaired and is now available again.
  • If you open a board with many entries, the system now automatically scrolls down to the latest board entry.
  • The information about which customer is involved was missing in the path when creating a sub-project. It is now available again.
  • In rare cases, invited guest users could not register for Octaved Flow and had to reload the page to be able to register. This now works without having to reload the page.

July 11, 2024

New feature Book project time for other users

Book project time for other users
  • The project time can now also be recorded for other users.
  • In the time recording window, the function is activated via the 3-dot menu.
  • A selection field appears in which the user for whom the time is to be recorded can be selected.
  • The use case could look like this, for example: An employee goes on vacation but forgets to book his time for the last day. During his vacation there is a month transition and the payroll run is to be carried out.
  • Previously, it was only possible to edit an existing time booking, for example if the employee forgot to enter the end time.
  • Now a new time booking can also be created.
  • Other use cases include time booking for freelancers who do not have access to Octaved Flow and managers who work on projects but do not record their own time.

New feature Book time for other users in timesheets

Book time for other users in timesheets
  • Under the menu item Time-Sheet in the large detailed view of the work packages, there is a button to directly book time for other users.
  • This is also possible if you open the time sheet under Bill.
  • This button is also available in the menu item Project time recording.

New feature Notification in the inbox when someone has booked time for me

Notification in the inbox when someone has booked time for me
  • To book time for others, you need the Full authorization role (in most cases this corresponds to Project manager).
  • In the Time-Sheet menu item, you can add, edit or delete other people's time bookings.
  • Users for whom time has been booked receive a notification via the inbox.
  • There are separate notifications for newly created, changed and deleted time bookings.
  • Note if your organization records working time with Octaved Flow: Your own time tracking will not be affected in any way by a project time tracking that has been edited by another user in any way.

New feature Adjustable notification in the inbox

Adjustable notification in the inbox
  • In the inbox settings (gray gear wheel), you can set whether you are notified when someone else records, changes or deletes project time for you.

New feature selection field for the status

selection field for the status
  • Previously, the status was controlled via individual options.
  • These are now clearly summarized in a selection field.
  • Some settings can be inherited. For example, an entire sub-project can be locked, which locks all the work packages it contains. Using the 3-dot menu next to Status, you can see which parent element has set the status.

New feature New status "Closed"

New status Closed
  • The new status Closed offers an additional way to efficiently manage work packages, sub-projects and entire projects.
  • Organizations that do not bill their working hours typically use the Completed button when the responsible person has completed the work package. The work package can then be archived.
  • With the Completed status, the project manager can take the work package "out of circulation" without having to archive it immediately.
  • If working hours are billed, the following workflow is now possible:
    1. Responsible person sets work package to Completed when finished
    2. The project manager checks it and assigns the status Released for final billing
    3. The settlement team settles the work package and sets the status to Completed
    4. The project manager knows that everything is done, including the complete settlement, and can archive the work package in due course.

July 04, 2024

Improvement Optimized detail view for project planning

Optimized detail view for project planning
  • The settings and functions essential for planning are summarized under the menu item Quick access.
  • This applies to the two menu items Project planning and Team planning.
  • In both cases, the details of projects, sub-projects and work packages are displayed.
  • This feature already existed in the past, but it has been optimized.
  • In addition, you used to have to click on a button to access the other menu items. These are now directly behind it, saving one click each time.

Improvement Optimized detailed view in the planning simulation

Optimized detailed view in the planning simulation
  • In a running planning simulation, all other menu items except Quick access are grayed out.
  • Only what is set in quick access can be included in this simulation.
  • The other menu items are therefore inactive. Once the simulation has ended, all menu items are active again.
  • Tip: If you want to switch briefly during a simulation to make changes to a work package, simply go to Projects. No simulation is active there and all settings and functions are available.

Improvement Buttons for rarely used functions in the large detail view

Buttons for rarely used functions in the large detail view
  • There are two detail views in Octaved Flow: the small detail view on the right and the large detail view.
  • In the small detail view, rarely used functions are hidden behind buttons that can be displayed by clicking on them if required.
  • In the large detailed view, on the other hand, all functions were displayed by default, as there is enough space available there.
  • Now, rarely used functions can also be accessed via buttons in the large detailed view. This leads to greater clarity and consistency.

New feature Reference number also for tasks

Reference number also for tasks
  • The reference number for work packages is a field for a ticket number or an order number, for example.
  • The Reference number field already exists for projects and work packages.
  • The field has now also been introduced for tasks.
  • A typical usage scenario is that a task in Octaved Flow corresponds to a ticket in an external ticket system.
  • Now users can save the corresponding ticket number from the ticket system directly in the task in the Reference number field.

New feature Time sheet in large detail view

Time sheet in large detail view
  • The list of time bookings is now integrated as a separate menu item Time-Sheet directly in the large detailed view.
  • For work packages, all time bookings for this work package are displayed.
  • For projects and sub-projects, the time bookings of all contained work packages are displayed in consolidated form.

Improvement Notes and the board can be used in parallel for tasks

Notes and the board can be used in parallel for tasks
  • In a task, the board (with the full range of functions from meeting notes to images and screenshots) and the simple note function (text only) are now available side by side.
  • Previously, you had to decide which of the two options you wanted to use.
  • Now you can use both in parallel.
  • If you move the mouse over the icons, a message appears indicating which icon is for the board and which is for the note.
  • Note: The icon for the notes looks like a yellow sticky note.

June 27, 2024

New feature Journey flat rates or billing according to time spent

Journey flat rates or billing according to time spent
  • Journeys can be invoiced on the basis of flat rates or time spent.
  • The company standard for the type of travel expense billing can be set centrally for all customers.
  • Bill journeys at a flat rate means that a flat rate is charged for each journey, regardless of the actual time required.
  • Bill journeys by time means that the travel time is charged according to the actual time spent. In the time sheet, journeys are displayed with the car icon and the start and end time.

New feature Different regulation per customer

Different regulation per customer
  • For each customer, you can specify individually whether the journey should be billed according to a different rule or whether the company's default setting should be used.
  • The default value for this field is to use the company-wide default setting.
  • One different rule can be activated per customer.

Improvement Optimized data fields in the billing export functions

  • In the billing export functions, it is now specified whether you want to Bill journeys by time or Bill journeys at a flat rate.
  • The export functions include, for example, downloading the billing data in CSV format.
  • The fields in the exported data have been structured more logically and improved.
  • Note for users of the API: The API is backwards compatible and does not need to be adapted.
  • The function and display of the timesheets remain unchanged.

Improvement Columns in the menu items for billing

Optimized data fields in the billing export functions
  • The order of the columns in the billing menu items has been changed so that it is more logical and uniform for all menu items.
  • The date of the last partial billing (end of the last billing period) has been added as a new column. This makes it clear at a glance whether the previous month has already been billed.
  • The columns for hours still to be billed and hours already billed are now displayed in all three relevant menu items (Partial billing, Prepare, and Final Billing).

June 13, 2024

Improvement New detailed view for projects and subprojects

New detailed view for projects and subprojects
  • The detailed view for projects and sub-projects has been restructured to make it more user-friendly.
  • Some operating elements have been moved from the start page to the Settings page, in particular Status and the time control for time bookings.
  • The reduction of menu items makes the application clearer.
  • The General page has now been given the character of a dashboard, which provides a quicker overview.
  • The buttons for Tasks and Board are now located directly on the first page to further reduce the number of clicks required.

New feature Large detail view

  • The large detail view can be opened by clicking on the Open large icon next to the name of the project or sub-project (see screenshot at the top).
  • The details are now available in a large, almost page-filling view.

New feature Task overview for all work packages

Task overview for all work packages
  • Instead of popups, the tasks of the work packages are now listed directly in the large detailed view.
  • The board also opens directly in the large detailed view.

New feature Integrated project planning for individual projects

Integrated project planning for individual projects
  • The large detailed view of projects and sub-projects integrates planning as well as tasks, board and controlling.
  • In the large detailed view, individual projects or sub-projects can be opened directly without having to add them to the multi-project planning.
  • The large detailed view is closed with the Back button.

New feature Share large detailed view

  • Regardless of which menu item or view is open, the link can simply be copied from the browser and shared.
  • When the link is opened, exactly the same view is displayed, making it easier to collaborate and share information.
  • This also makes it easy to save and share views in third-party systems.

New feature Autosave

  • All values are saved immediately.
  • Therefore, there are now no more Save buttons in the detail view pages.

29 May 2024

New feature Baseline comparison

Baseline comparison
  • The baseline comparison allows you to compare the current plan with a previous plan.
  • This is often also referred to as a target/actual comparison.
  • Like in a time machine, you can return to different project phases to compare the planning status over time and draw conclusions for future projects.
  • There are two ways to call up the baseline comparison. You can select the Baseline comparison under Functions and click on the relevant project. Alternatively, you can call up the baseline comparison by clicking on the three dots next to the project name.
  • In the legend, the baseline (basic plan) is now displayed in gray, the On time planning elements in green and the delayed elements in red.

New feature Multiple baselines

Multiple baselines
  • Additional baselines can be created using the button at the top right.
  • You can give the baselines specific names, for example "Start of project" or "After decision management".
  • Any number of baselines can be created per project.

New feature Baselines in the past

Baselines in the past
  • Baselines are like a snapshot and freeze the current planning status.
  • It is also possible to create baselines retroactively for any time in the past.
  • To create a baseline for a planning status in the past, click on the Past option and select the corresponding point in time.
  • If you did not remember to create a baseline at a certain point in time, you can simply do so at a later date.

23 May 2024

Improvement Detail view of work packages

Detail view of work packages
  • We have restructured the detailed view of work packages.
  • Over time, many features have been added to Octaved Flow, which have now been clearly restructured.
  • The General page has been given the character of a dashboard.
  • The Tasks and Board buttons are now on the first page to reduce the number of clicks.

New feature Large detail view

Large detail view
  • There is also a large view of the details, which almost fills the page.
  • You can open the large view by clicking on the Large view icon next to the name of the work package, as can be seen on the screenshot above.
  • Instead of pop-ups, the Tasks and the Board now open directly in the large view.

New feature Integration of tasks, board and planning

Integration of tasks, board and planning
  • The large detailed view of the work package integrates planning as well as tasks and the board for a comprehensive overview.
  • The first page in the large view also contains the dashboard.
  • To close the large detailed view, simply click on the button Back.
  • The large detailed view is currently only available for work packages, others will follow.

New feature Split large view

  • Regardless of which menu item or view you currently have open, you can simply copy the link from the browser and share it.
  • When you open the link, exactly the same view is displayed.
  • This makes it easier to collaborate, share information, and save to third-party systems.

16 May 2024

New feature New options for tasks

New options for tasks
  • Previously there were two options. Tasks could either be shown or hidden.
  • Now there are several levels.
  • The Show tasks option displays planned tasks that have not yet been completed.
  • The second option also shows unplanned tasks.
  • With the third option, done tasks can also be shown.
  • This provides a better overview, especially if there are many tasks and the screen appears cluttered. This makes it easier for you to concentrate on what is currently relevant.

New feature Fixed time period for task planning

Fixed time period for task planning
  • There are new options for the individual planning of tasks.
  • It depends on the type of task whether it should be moved with the work package or remain static on a fixed date.
  • Previously, there was only the option Relative to work package. The option Fixed period is new.
  • Relative to work package: The task is moved with the work package.
  • For example, if the material used is to be tidied up on the last day of the work package, the task will also be scheduled for the last day if the work package is postponed.
  • Fixed period: The task remains for the planned date, even if the work package is postponed.
  • For example, if a photo shoot has been booked for a product on a fixed day, the task will remain for this day if the work package is postponed.

New feature No own planning for tasks

  • Previously, unplanned tasks were displayed with a bar that was exactly as long as the work package.
  • This is also correct in terms of content because the task should be completed within the time window of the work package.
  • The disadvantage, however, is that the screen is overlaid by the many bars.
  • With the new version of Octaved Flow, unplanned tasks are no longer displayed as bars.
  • The previous option Planned as work package has been renamed No own planning.
  • Such tasks are still displayed in all task lists in the corresponding time window.

New feature Dashed line between gap bars

Dashed line between gap bars
  • For a better overview, gap bars are now connected by a dashed line.
  • Note: There are two ways to create a gap bar. Either right-click on the respective bar or open the details of the work package and click on New bar.

New feature Gap bar always activated

Gap bar always activated
  • The gap bar feature was previously deactivated by default and had to be activated. Now the function of the gap bars has been simplified so that the feature is always activated.
  • The option in the settings to activate or deactivate gap bars has been removed.
  • Background: It is not always possible to work continuously on a topic.
  • Gap bars allow you to clearly document these interruptions.
  • For example, if your work package is interrupted (paused) for two days, the corresponding resources will be available again on these two days.

New feature Move due dates and milestones

Move due dates and milestones
  • Due dates and milestones can now be easily moved in project planning using the mouse.
  • Milestones indicate fixed events in the course of the project, such as the interim acceptance of a customer.
  • Due dates indicate that the project or sub-project must be completed by this date.
  • Both can be created for projects and sub-projects and can now also be moved using the mouse.

April 25th, 2024

New feature Project planning - bar extension for planning outside a work package

Bar extension for planning outside a work package
  • If the tasks are planned outside the work package, the actual duration of the work package is shown in brackets.
  • This makes it possible to see the actual duration of the work package, even when the work package is collapsed.

New feature Project planning - New columns for Type and Done

New columns for Type and Done
  • The type can be displayed in the column between the name and the start, so that you can see at a glance whether it is a project, sub-project, work package or task.
  • For work packages and tasks, the status done is displayed as a green tick.
  • Note: Columns can be shown and hidden using the icon marked with the yellow arrow.

New feature Project planning - Additional zoom factor 150%

  • There is a new zoom factor of 150% in the zoom setting at the bottom right of the project planning.
  • On many monitors, 100% is often too small and 200% shows too short a time window.
  • Our customers have therefore requested a zoom factor in the middle.

New feature Project planning - always show bar labels

Always show bar labels
  • You can now set the bar labels to always be visible.
  • Previously the bar labels were only displayed when the table on the left was collapsed.
  • Especially when viewing large projects on a large monitor, it is very tiring for the eyes to follow a straight line to the left of the table in order to recognise the name of the bar.
  • With the new feature, the label can always be displayed right next to the bar.
  • This setting is made in the View menu.

New feature Team planning - Dynamic display of bar info

Dynamic display of bar info
  • To display the customer, project and sub-project to which a bar belongs, simply move the mouse over the bar.
  • In large projects it is often difficult to tell which project or sub-project a bar belongs to.
  • The bar info is displayed via the View menu.

April 18, 2024

New feature: Archiving projects, sub-projects and work packages

  • Projects, sub-projects and work packages can now be archived.
  • The option to archive work packages individually is particularly practical. This is helpful if the individual work packages have been completed and billed and you simply want to get them out of the way.
  • Sub-projects can also be archived, for example if a certain project phase has been completed and is no longer being processed.

New feature: Individual options for previous status

Old status option versus new status option
  • The status options have been improved to implement the new archiving function while keeping the operation logical and simple.
  • The screenshots show the old (left) and new (right) functionality side by side.
  • Locked - The existing Locked status has been optimized. It can now be clicked on individually, but otherwise retains its original function. With this status, both parts of a project and the entire project can still be temporarily put on hold and blocked for further time bookings.
  • The previous status Not yet open is removed and replaced by Locked. Originally, not yet open was intended for the time between quotation and order placement. The status Locked can now be used instead.
  • Approved for billing - The new status option makes it transparent that a work package has been checked and approved for billing. By improving the status options, it is now possible to see whether a work package has been released for billing even after it has been archived.
  • Quote - This status has been adopted unchanged.
  • Open - The status Open is no longer available as a separate option. A work package is considered Open if it is neither locked nor approved for billing, is not a quote and has not been archived.
  • The switch from the old to the new status logic is automatic, so you do not need to do anything else.
  • Work packages that have the status Completed are given the status Approved for billing after the conversion.

New feature: Filter for archived elements

Filter options
  • A new option in the filter makes it possible to show archived elements.
  • These are no longer displayed by default, but are immediately removed from the view. However, they can be displayed again and accessed via the filter options.

February 29, 2024

New feature Drag & Drop for project time tracking

Track times on work packages via drag and drop
  • Work packages can be dragged onto the time tracking calendar for project time tracking
  • The start time is set when you drop
  • To set the end, drag at the bottom of the time booking
  • The entire time booking with start and end time can be dragged up or down with the mouse using the square handle
  • It is also possible to click on the work package and enter the times manually in the detailed view on the right-hand side or select them from the defaults

Automatic docking

Docking at previous time tracking
  • Time bookings via drag & drop can lead to economic disadvantages in certain cases
  • For this reason, time bookings that start outside the quarter-hour clock automatically dock onto the predecessor
  • In this way, profits resulting from rounding to the quarter-hour clock are taken into account
  • Note: These rounding gains are visualized in charts in the Controlling menu item
  • Automatic docking only works when a time booking is created, but not when it is moved. In this case, docking can be triggered via the 3-point menu.

Creating an "empty" time entry without assigning a work package

Setting the drag function for new time trackings in the calendar
  • To enable a quick time tracking without selecting a work package beforehand, a time entry can simply be dragged with the mouse in the time booking calendar
  • A work package can be assigned to this "empty" time entry by simply dragging and dropping a work package onto this time entry
  • If you make a lot of short time bookings, you may find this behavior annoying - even if it is otherwise very useful and has often been requested by our users. Therefore, this behavior can be deactivated via the 3-point menu.

Further improvements

  • The filter for the project roles now shows the name of the project role instead of the text "1 entry selected"
  • When the path to a work package (consisting of project folder, project, subproject) is displayed in the tile view, the first part is now omitted. This is the name of your own organization, which is not required at this point. It has been removed to save space and for reasons of clarity.
  • The missing English translation for the filter My project role has been added

February 22, 2024

New feature Planning simulation

Simulation of project planning
  • The planning simulation makes it possible to run through various planning scenarios without changing the actual planning
  • At the end, the planning simulation can be discarded or applied. If it is applied, the planning simulation is the actual planning from that moment on.
  • A common application scenario is that the sales department is about to acquire an order that is lucrative but under time pressure. The planning simulation can be used to run through various scenarios to determine whether the new order is even feasible.
  • Another application scenario is when an employee is ill and options need to be worked out as to how the project deadlines can still be met.

Project and resource planning in parallel

Simulation of team planning
  • The planning simulation has an equal impact on project planning and resource planning
  • This means that the project progress and resource utilization can be viewed in parallel in the simulation

Multiple planning simulations

Selection of simulations
  • Several planning simulations can be carried out in parallel
  • For example, variants can be run through in order to select the best one at the end
  • Or different planning simulations can be created as what-if scenarios
  • These different planning simulations can be used one after the other and even time-shifted

Improvement Compressed planning view for a better overview

Compressed planning view
  • The project planning has been greatly compressed in height to display more information at once
  • We are pleased that our customers are planning and managing ever larger projects with Octaved Flow and are happy to comply with the request for more bars on one page

New feature Copy & Paste for images in the board

Copying and pasting images in the editor
  • Images can now be copied directly from the clipboard to the board
  • Previously, it was only possible to drag & drop image files, for example from the desktop, into the board. Screenshots therefore had to be saved first before they could be inserted using drag & drop.
  • With the new feature, images can be created with a screen shot tool (Snipping Tool under Windows), annotated and then pasted directly into the Octaved Flow board
  • If there is an image in the clipboard, press Ctrl-V on Windows and Cmd-V on the Mac at the corresponding position in the text. The image is then inserted directly.

Further Improvements

  • The project folder is now also displayed in the path in the tile view of the work packages. It is possible for projects in different project folders to have the same name. A clear assignment is only possible if the project folder is also displayed.
  • With the newly introduced feature in team planning to plan work packages via drag & drop in one step and simultaneously assign them to a responsible user, the customer name is now also displayed, as the project name alone may not be sufficient for clear identification.

February 08, 2024

New feature Batch tool for responsibilities

Replace of responsibilities
  • With the batch tool for responsibilities, responsibilities for work packages in a project can be set automatically
  • An example of an application scenario is when a user is removed from a project (or becomes ill) and all work packages for which this user is responsible are to be assigned to another user
  • The screenshot above shows exactly this example
  • In smaller projects, such replacements can usually be solved manually without any problems
  • In larger projects with many work packages and many people responsible, manual replacement is too time-consuming. With the batch tool, it is easier, faster and errors are avoided.
Replace of project roles with search
  • Additional conditions can be defined in advanced mode
  • Complete logic editor with AND, OR and NOT for those who also need more complex conditions
  • The example above shows a scenario from mechanical engineering and is applicable to all companies that work in an interdisciplinary way
  • Michael Pabst is head of the design department
  • Although there is also a general project manager, Michael Pabst assigns the employees in his department to the work packages himself
  • The design department is (of course) not responsible for all work packages in the project
  • The corresponding work packages are identified by assigning Michael Pabst to these work packages with the project role Department Manager
  • With the settings in the screenshot above, Michael Pabst assigns his employee Alexander Weiß as the person responsible for all work packages for which his design department is responsible
  • The setting for which work packages are completed by the design department was previously stored in a project template
  • If the project template becomes a real project, each department manager can assign their employees with one click, see screenshot
  • Even if the preparation of the project templates takes some time, the process is then very efficient. The more work packages there are (and the more departments are involved), the more efficient the process is.

Further improvements

  • For long project and work package names, the full name is displayed in the detail view when hovering over it with the mouse
  • Due to its importance, the menu item Team analysis is now one level higher in the menu and therefore easier to find (now directly under Controlling)
  • Avatars of groups have a slightly lighter color and are therefore less dominant compared to user avatars
  • In the project menu, "Copy" has been replaced by "Copy project" to avoid confusion with copying to the clipboard. Analog for work packages in the work package menu.
  • The selection dialog for a date or a period from/to has been simplified. Switching between day and period is no longer necessary. To select a single day, it is sufficient to click twice on the same date or once on the date and then on OK. This is only a small improvement, but in project management a date is selected very often every day, so that even small improvements add up.

December 19, 2023

New feature Separate setting for responsibility

  • This feature changes the type of operation in the area of responsibility in a detail
  • Previously, all project roles were defined in one place:
Zuweisen von Gastrollen
  • In future, the responsibility will be defined in a separate area:
Zuweisen von Gastrollen
  • Responsible means that a user added under Responsible is responsible for completing the work package
  • Term Executing is omitted. The new terminology is Responsible.
  • The change is necessary to ensure simple and transparent functionality for future features
  • All data was transferred automatically, manual intervention is not necessary

Improved Project planning with Gantt charts

Gantt Charts with Canvas
  • New technology for project planning with Gantt charts
  • The technical platform is now Canvas
  • The development effort for Canvas on our side is many times higher
  • The advantage lies in significantly better performance, especially for large and very large projects
  • In order to fully utilize the technology, we have reproduced projects with a duration of 30 years
  • Nothing has changed in terms of design, function and operation, only the technology in the background has been replaced